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Price: $0.99 - $5,010.00
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FLOW has appeared in 1,555 unique listings.

There are currently 415 active listings, 285 sold listings, and 855 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $632,247.70

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view FLOW on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 415 27%
Sold 285 18%
Unsold 855 55%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 1,095 70.42%
KR 173 11.13%
HK 138 8.87%
CN 45 2.89%
DE 19 1.22%
PH 16 1.03%
SG 15 0.96%
IL 12 0.77%
AE 11 0.71%
IN 7 0.45%
CA 7 0.45%
IT 6 0.39%
IE 5 0.32%
TW 1 0.06%
SE 1 0.06%
ES 1 0.06%
JP 1 0.06%
BG 1 0.06%
PL 1 0.06%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
nri-industrial 248 15.95%
jinwhah2032 127 8.17%
usedeqsales 118 7.59%
measuring-equipment 84 5.40%
southeast-surplus 45 2.89%
ocoindustrial 32 2.06%
leescore 22 1.41%
betllc 21 1.35%
stealth6g72 18 1.16%
sherry3492 14 0.90%
garlandequipment 13 0.84%
ocdepot 13 0.84%
tryc2 12 0.77%
industrial-science 12 0.77%
sensor-machine 12 0.77%
athomemarket 12 0.77%
chanman157 12 0.77%
biolabsourcecom 11 0.71%
spec.co77 10 0.64%
expresslabwerks 10 0.64%
seliwell1 10 0.64%
instrument299 9 0.58%
sensor866 9 0.58%
arrowindustrialsales 9 0.58%
sigmasurplus 9 0.58%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$632,247.70 406.59 206.50 512.0839005698244 5,010.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 1,006 64.69%
Used 534 34.34%
Refrubished 15 0.96%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 291 70.12%
HK 47 11.33%
KR 39 9.40%
CN 12 2.89%
PH 7 1.69%
AE 5 1.20%
DE 4 0.96%
CA 4 0.96%
IN 3 0.72%
SG 1 0.24%
IL 1 0.24%
TW 1 0.24%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
nri-industrial 96 23.13%
measuring-equipment 32 7.71%
jinwhah2032 21 5.06%
usedeqsales 14 3.37%
southeast-surplus 12 2.89%
expresslabwerks 10 2.41%
zorotools 7 1.69%
sensor866 6 1.45%
part-supplier 6 1.45%
athomemarket 5 1.20%
mtrman275 5 1.20%
techshop7777 5 1.20%
farmoninc 5 1.20%
betllc 5 1.20%
industrial-science 5 1.20%
ocdepot 4 0.96%
sensor-machine 4 0.96%
bms-semicon 4 0.96%
silicon.valley.machines 4 0.96%
oceanelectricalandsurplus 4 0.96%
itproshop 3 0.72% 3 0.72%
babamarta2012 3 0.72%
controlinstrumentation 3 0.72%
dy-global 3 0.72%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$348,054.60 409.00 225.00 0 5,010.00 10.75
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 153 36.87%
Used 257 61.93%
Refrubished 5 1.20%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
BROOKS MT3810 VARIABLE AREA FLOW METER 3810A12B1RAA1A1 $62.00 22-Dec-2024
[7012]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: O2 FLOW RATE: 20SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[7000]BROOKS 6256S GAS:SIH4 FLOW RATE: 2 SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[7016]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: O2 FLOW RATE: 20 SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[7005]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: NF3 FLOW RATE: 5 SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[6994]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS:NF3 FLOW RATE:5 SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[7015]BROOKS 6256S GAS: HE FLOW RATE: 10 SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[7014]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: N2 FLOW RATE: 10SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[6996]BROOKS 6256S GAS:HE FLOW RATE:10 SLPM/Fedex $120.76 3-Dec-2024
[7013]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCLA GAS: NF3 FLOW RATE: 1 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[6999]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS:N20 FLOW RATE:20 SLP/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[7004]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: N20 FLOW RATE:20SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[6995]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS:AR FLOW RATE:10 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[6991]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS:NF3 FLOW RATE:5 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[7002]BROOKS 6256S GAS: SIH4 FLOW RATE: 2 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[6998]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS:AR FLOW RATE:10 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[7006]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: N20 FLOW RATE: 20 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[6997]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS:N2 FLOW RATE:10 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[7007]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: N2 FLOW RATE: 10 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024
[7001]BROOKS 6256S/6256SCZVCMAC GAS: N20 FLOW RATE: 20 SLPM/Fedex $179.00 3-Dec-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 252 88.42%
SG 8 2.81%
KR 7 2.46%
DE 5 1.75%
HK 4 1.40%
CA 2 0.70%
IL 2 0.70%
CN 1 0.35%
AE 1 0.35%
PH 1 0.35%
SE 1 0.35%
IN 1 0.35%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
usedeqsales 57 20.00%
stealth6g72 17 5.96%
nri-industrial 9 3.16%
biolabsourcecom 9 3.16%
etechsurplus 5 1.75%
expertsurplus 5 1.75%
dgold32 4 1.40%
apex1088 4 1.40%
wing_and_sons 3 1.05%
getspares.com_sparesllc09 3 1.05%
industrial-science 3 1.05%
midrosemicro 3 1.05%
tryc2 3 1.05%
visionsemi 3 1.05%
us-mb73 3 1.05%
athomemarket 3 1.05%
bms-semicon 3 1.05%
nextcycletech 3 1.05%
betllc 3 1.05%
rgv-controls 2 0.70%
tme1939 2 0.70%
ussurplusrecovery 2 0.70%
equipplus 2 0.70%
silicon.valley.machines 2 0.70%
prism_electronics12 2 0.70%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$136,080.28 477.48 199.99 597.5276455220583 3,811.24 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 96 33.68%
Used 187 65.61%
Refrubished 2 0.70%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
3/8" Brooks MF50S/AC1DB1ID0KA1B1 Smart Mass Flow Controller CO2 3 SLPM D8 $48.00 13-Feb-2025
Brooks Instrument GF120XSL Thermal Mass Flow Controller (N2/10sccm) $81.00 9-Feb-2025
Brooks GF125C-202440 Mass Flow Controller MFC 55000 SCCM Ar New Surplus $1,211.24 7-Feb-2025
Brooks GF125C-200996 Mass Flow Controller MFC GF125CXXC 92 SCCM N2 New Surplus $1,210.24 7-Feb-2025
BROOKS Mass Flow Controller 5850S / BC1CA1EB3AA1B1 500 SCCM Oxygen $166.18 5-Feb-2025
Brooks 1350 Instrument Flow Meter 1350FCA4CFA1A $34.99 25-Jan-2025
Brooks Instrument Sho-Rate Glass Tube VA Flow Meter PN: 1355EGA7CCA1A $289.97 24-Jan-2025
GENUINE NEW Brooks Instrument 2510A2A29SVVT Variable Area Flow Meter 0.2-2.5lpm $74.99 13-Jan-2025
Brooks Instruments Mass Flow Controller 5850E Series N2 1500psi Max 1SLPM $95.00 13-Jan-2025
Brooks Instruments Mass Flow Controller 5850E Series O2 1500psi Max 5SLPM $95.00 13-Jan-2025
NEW Brooks Instrument GF Series Nitrogen N2 MFC Mass Flow Controller GF120C $219.99 9-Jan-2025
Brooks Instrument mass flow controller 5850EMF3CAKYBKA N2 / 5 SLPM $299.90 17-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument mass flow controller 5850EMF7CATY6KC / N2 / 5 SLPM $299.90 17-Dec-2024
Brooks Instruments 14UN0301C22004179 Water Flow Meter 0.25-2.5GPM $149.99 10-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument 100 psi 150F 25 GPM Water Flow Meter Adjustable $0.99 6-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument emcore mass flow controller 5850EMF3CAGLEKC N2 / 100sccm $299.90 5-Dec-2024
Brooks GF125C-202440 Mass Flow Controller MFC 55000 SCCM Ar Lot of 5 New $3,811.24 5-Dec-2024
Brooks 5850 E Hydrogen Mass Flow Controller FLOW 30 SLPM 5850EC4BV44J2A $124.99 2-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF120CXXC Mass Flow Controller MFC H2 1000 SCCM GF120C-104653 $161.99 28-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125CXXC Mass Flow Controller GF125C-205385 N2 7200 SCCM $99.00 28-Nov-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 552 64.56%
KR 127 14.85%
HK 87 10.18%
CN 32 3.74%
DE 10 1.17%
IL 9 1.05%
PH 8 0.94%
IT 6 0.70%
SG 6 0.70%
IE 5 0.58%
AE 5 0.58%
IN 3 0.35%
ES 1 0.12%
JP 1 0.12%
BG 1 0.12%
CA 1 0.12%
PL 1 0.12%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
nri-industrial 143 16.73%
jinwhah2032 106 12.40%
measuring-equipment 52 6.08%
usedeqsales 47 5.50%
southeast-surplus 32 3.74%
ocoindustrial 31 3.63%
leescore 21 2.46%
sherry3492 14 1.64%
betllc 13 1.52%
garlandequipment 13 1.52%
chanman157 11 1.29%
spec.co77 10 1.17%
seliwell1 10 1.17%
instrument299 9 1.05%
tryc2 9 1.05%
fceequipment 9 1.05%
ocdepot 9 1.05%
sensor-machine 8 0.94%
arrowindustrialsales 8 0.94%
sigmasurplus 8 0.94%
newenglandindustrial 8 0.94%
storefarm 7 0.82%
mfcsupermarket 7 0.82%
ebjim41 7 0.82% 6 0.70%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$349,652.59 408.95 225.00 509.5930170301825 5,010.00 10.75
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 285 33.33%
Used 562 65.73%
Refrubished 8 0.94%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
BROOKS INSTRUMENT SLA5800 sla 5851S1GAB1C2A1 thermal mass flow GAS:N2 NO RESERVE $144.00 8-Feb-2025
New Brooks GF120C-908811 GF Thermal MFC Mass Flow Controller N2 Nitrogen 10 SCCM $499.00 6-Feb-2025
New Brooks GF120X-909480 Thermal MFC Mass Flow Controller N2 Nitrogen 10 SCCM $475.00 6-Feb-2025
New Brooks GF120X-909480 Thermal MFC Mass Flow Controller N2 Nitrogen 10 SCCM $549.00 6-Feb-2025
New Brooks Instrument GF120X-908815 MDC Mass Flow Controller BF3 Gas 3SCCM Range $425.00 6-Feb-2025
Brooks GF040CXXC-0013010C-T2AVS4-XXXXAA-70F Gas 13-N2 010ccm Thermal Flow Meter $159.99 4-Feb-2025
Brooks GF040CXXC-0007010C-T2AVS4-XXXXAA-70F (Thermal Gas 7-H2 010ccm) Flow Meter $159.99 4-Feb-2025
Brooks 5850E Mass Flow Controller MFC O2 200 SCCM $220.00 1-Feb-2025
199108 Old-Stock; Brooks 1355-01C1BAS Flow Meter 0-11; 10 S.C.F.H Argon $100.95 31-Jan-2025
New Brooks Instruments Flow Meter 1/2" NPT 200 PSI 200°F 1305D08A1A1A $49.99 28-Jan-2025
Brooks Instrument 1020CA31GD1CG Flow meter G/T 1000 Style Alarm - Ships FREE $499.95 18-Jan-2025
BROOKS MT3810 VARIABLE AREA FLOW METER 3810A12B1RAA1A1 $62.00 17-Jan-2025
Brooks Instrument 1140B12H5B2A Variable Area Flow Meter 0-67gpm 1-1/2in $483.43 14-Jan-2025
241589 New In Box; Brooks Instument 11XLV8 Flow Meter Variable Area-Air 400 CCM $184.43 9-Jan-2025
GF100C-912588 / MASS FLOW CONTROLLER, 280SCCM, N2, / BROOKS INSTRUMENTS $250.00 7-Jan-2025
Excellent Brooks 5850TR Mass Flow Controller 5850 TR Series QTY $369.29 3-Jan-2025
Brooks Mass Flow Controller MFC 5850 Series Model: 5850C $80.98 1-Jan-2025
5850EC4BL4XB2A BROOKS Gas Flow Controller NEW $491.59 29-Dec-2024
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