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Price: $35.00 - $3,811.24
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SCCM has appeared in 209 unique listings.

There are currently 56 active listings, 53 sold listings, and 100 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $96,719.28

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Vendor Link Info Click here to view SCCM on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 56 27%
Sold 53 25%
Unsold 100 48%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 161 77.03%
HK 17 8.13%
KR 15 7.18%
SG 5 2.39%
CN 5 2.39%
DE 3 1.44%
TW 1 0.48%
AE 1 0.48%
IE 1 0.48%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
usedeqsales 28 13.40%
southeast-surplus 15 7.18%
leescore 14 6.70%
garlandequipment 11 5.26%
measuring-equipment 10 4.78%
betllc 7 3.35%
storefarm 7 3.35%
newenglandindustrial 7 3.35%
silicon.valley.machines 6 2.87%
techshop7777 6 2.87%
stealth6g72 5 2.39%
dgold32 5 2.39%
allgoneby2000 4 1.91%
athomemarket 4 1.91%
industrial-science 3 1.44%
farmoninc 3 1.44%
pneumatplus10 3 1.44% 3 1.44%
us-mb73 3 1.44%
eliteresourcesolutions 3 1.44%
seliwell1 3 1.44%
emw-elektro-media-world 2 0.96%
prism_electronics12 2 0.96%
txsemisales 2 0.96%
ocdepot 2 0.96%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$96,719.28 462.77 250.00 509.51956543899087 3,811.24 35.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 151 72.25%
Used 49 23.44%
Refrubished 9 4.31%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 42 75.00%
KR 5 8.93%
HK 3 5.36%
SG 3 5.36%
DE 1 1.79%
CN 1 1.79%
TW 1 1.79%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
usedeqsales 7 12.50%
measuring-equipment 5 8.93%
techshop7777 5 8.93%
southeast-surplus 4 7.14%
silicon.valley.machines 4 7.14%
farmoninc 3 5.36%
pneumatplus10 3 5.36%
betllc 3 5.36%
dgold32 2 3.57%
bms-semicon 2 3.57%
athomemarket 1 1.79%
us-mb73 1 1.79%
sgcequipment 1 1.79%
plcmall-biz 1 1.79%
emw-elektro-media-world 1 1.79%
ses29047270 1 1.79%
ocdepot 1 1.79%
equipmentlab 1 1.79%
itproshop 1 1.79%
sensor-machine 1 1.79%
visionsemi 1 1.79%
cvdconcept 1 1.79%
industrial_blueline_special 1 1.79%
expresslabwerks 1 1.79%
davliegogo 1 1.79%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$45,724.05 457.24 300.00 492.50622735225403 3,212.24 49.00
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 10 17.86%
Used 41 73.21%
Refrubished 5 8.93%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Brooks Instrument GF125CXXC Mass Flow Controller MFC N2 7200 SCCM $80.00 28-Nov-2024
Brooks Smart Mass Flow FS Flow Rate Model 5850S H2 500 SCCM $300.00 27-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument GF125C-102874 Mass Flow Controller MFC 3000 SCCM Ar Lot of 15 $1,811.24 26-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125C-202440 Mass Flow Controller MFC 55000 SCCM Ar Lot of 5 New $3,811.24 22-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125C-202440 Mass Flow Controller MFC 55000 SCCM Ar New Surplus $1,211.24 20-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument GF120Xsd Mass Flow Controller 50 Sccm Ph3 Calibrated N2 10 Ps $225.00 20-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument MFC Mass Flow Controller H2 200 SCCM RS485 1500psig $343.56 19-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument emcore mass flow controller 5850EM / N2 / 1000 sccm $299.90 19-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument mass flow controller 5850EM / N2 / 1000 SCCM $299.90 19-Nov-2024
Brooks 5850 Series Flow Controller Model 5850D 0-300 SCCM Nitrogen $49.00 18-Nov-2024
Brooks Instruments 5860I Mass Flow Sensor 500 SCCM 5860IA13RB2EA Air $99.00 18-Nov-2024
BROOKS 5850TR 0-100 SCCM Gas HCI MASS FLOW CONTROLLER $49.00 18-Nov-2024
Brooks Smart Mass Flow FS Flow Rate Model 5850S H2 500 SCCM $300.00 18-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument 4800 Series Mass Flow Meter AIR CO2 5850S 500 SCCM $185.00 18-Nov-2024
BROOKS Used GF120C-109137 15000 SCCM SH47 GF120CXXO MFC-I-338=2M32 $219.90 18-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument GF-125C Mass Flow Controller MFC 7200 SCCM N2 OEM Refurbished $1,011.24 14-Nov-2024
Brooks Smart Mass Flow FS Flow Rate Model 5850S H2 500 SCCM $300.00 14-Nov-2024
Brooks 5850E Gas Argon Range 200 sccm Mass Flow Controller $649.99 14-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument 4800 Series Mass Flow Meter O2, 500 sccm Inlet 25 psig outlet $250.00 14-Nov-2024
Brooks Instruments 5860I Mass Flow Sensor 500 SCCM 5860IA13RB2EA Air $99.00 14-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 46 86.79%
KR 2 3.77%
DE 2 3.77%
HK 1 1.89%
AE 1 1.89%
SG 1 1.89%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
usedeqsales 12 22.64%
stealth6g72 5 9.43%
dgold32 3 5.66%
silicon.valley.machines 2 3.77%
prism_electronics12 2 3.77%
txsemisales 2 3.77%
etechsurplus 2 3.77%
us-mb73 2 3.77%
industrial-lane 1 1.89%
industrial-science 1 1.89%
gurkatt_0 1 1.89%
newenglandindustrial 1 1.89%
emw-elektro-media-world 1 1.89%
comwaysind 1 1.89%
danparise 1 1.89%
bestoneshop-korea 1 1.89%
2013duramaxx 1 1.89%
themillionthmonkey 1 1.89%
kenkle 1 1.89%
sanooksales 1 1.89%
megasalvage 1 1.89%
visionsemi 1 1.89%
bananafishbones22 1 1.89%
ntsurplus302 1 1.89%
novusferro 1 1.89%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$26,493.43 499.88 250.00 618.8467534731847 3,811.24 35.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 17 32.08%
Used 34 64.15%
Refrubished 2 3.77%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Brooks GF125C-202440 Mass Flow Controller MFC 55000 SCCM Ar New Surplus $1,211.24 7-Feb-2025
Brooks GF125C-200996 Mass Flow Controller MFC GF125CXXC 92 SCCM N2 New Surplus $1,210.24 7-Feb-2025
BROOKS Mass Flow Controller 5850S / BC1CA1EB3AA1B1 500 SCCM Oxygen $166.18 5-Feb-2025
BROOKS GF125C-102797 GF125CXXC 30000 SCCM N2 SH48 $750.00 10-Dec-2024
Brooks GF125C-202440 Mass Flow Controller MFC 55000 SCCM Ar Lot of 5 New $3,811.24 5-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF120CXXC Mass Flow Controller MFC H2 1000 SCCM GF120C-104653 $161.99 28-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125CXXC Mass Flow Controller GF125C-205385 N2 7200 SCCM $99.00 28-Nov-2024
🍀 NEW Brooks Instrument GF120XSL Thermal Mass Flow Controller N2 5 SCCM $239.99 24-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125CXXC Thermal Mass Flow Control GF HF 10000 SCCM $275.00 23-Nov-2024
BROOKS Used GF120C-109137 15000 SCCM SH47 GF120CXXO MFC-I-338=2M32 $219.90 18-Nov-2024
Brooks 5866RC1A1B4P2YA Mass Flow Controller 5000 SCCM H2 $299.00 17-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125C-202440 Mass Flow Controller MFC GF125CXXC 55000 SCCM SH50 New $1,211.24 16-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125C-204926 Mass Flow Controller MFC GF125CXXC 30000 SCCM N2 New $1,210.24 16-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument GF120CXXC Mass Flow Controller MFC 3000 SCCM Ar Refurbished $1,010.24 16-Nov-2024
6515 Brooks Instrument GF-125CXXC Thermal Mass Flow Controller N2 280 sccm $90.00 13-Nov-2024
BROOKS GF125CXXC GF125C-106342 N2 10 SCCM MFC AMAT 0190-49899-03 MASS FLOW $79.99 12-Nov-2024
Brooks 5850E Mass Flow Controller MFC - Gas: Hydrogen - Flow: 1000 SCCM $125.00 11-Nov-2024
Brooks Instrument 5850E Mass Flow Controller 100 SCCM Argon 1/4" ID 3/8" OD Port $299.99 11-Nov-2024
Brooks GF125C Mass Flow Controller MFC GF125CXXC 100 SCCM O2 New Surplus $399.99 5-Nov-2024
Brooks 5850E Mass Flow Controller MFC - Gas: N2 - Flow: 50 SCCM $125.00 1-Nov-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 73 73.00%
HK 13 13.00%
KR 8 8.00%
CN 4 4.00%
IE 1 1.00%
SG 1 1.00%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
leescore 14 14.00%
garlandequipment 11 11.00%
southeast-surplus 11 11.00%
usedeqsales 9 9.00%
storefarm 7 7.00%
newenglandindustrial 6 6.00%
measuring-equipment 5 5.00%
betllc 4 4.00%
allgoneby2000 4 4.00% 3 3.00%
seliwell1 3 3.00%
industrial-science 2 2.00%
eliteresourcesolutions 2 2.00%
athomemarket 2 2.00%
auc-6051 2 2.00%
spec.co77 1 1.00%
ocdepot 1 1.00%
techshop7777 1 1.00%
instrument299 1 1.00%
sensor-machine 1 1.00%
securee-0 1 1.00%
rtxparts 1 1.00%
novusferro 1 1.00%
hypoluxa38 1 1.00%
sensor-instrument 1 1.00%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$45,724.05 457.24 300.00 492.50622735225403 3,212.24 49.00
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 22 22.00%
Used 76 76.00%
Refrubished 2 2.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
New Brooks GF120C-908811 GF Thermal MFC Mass Flow Controller N2 Nitrogen 10 SCCM $499.00 6-Feb-2025
New Brooks GF120X-909480 Thermal MFC Mass Flow Controller N2 Nitrogen 10 SCCM $475.00 6-Feb-2025
New Brooks GF120X-909480 Thermal MFC Mass Flow Controller N2 Nitrogen 10 SCCM $549.00 6-Feb-2025
Brooks 5850E Mass Flow Controller MFC O2 200 SCCM $220.00 1-Feb-2025
Brooks SLA7950D1EGG1A2A1 3000 SCCM Delta Class Mass Flow Controller AR Gas $134.99 29-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF125CXXC Mass Flow Controller MFC N2 7200 SCCM $80.00 28-Dec-2024
Brooks GF125C-204735 Mass Flow Controller MFC GF125CXXC 280 SCCM N2 Refurbished $956.87 24-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF120X-100877 Mass Flow Controller MFC 10 SCCM AsH3 New Spare $1,148.77 24-Dec-2024
Brooks GF125C-203621 Mass Flow Controller MFC GF125CXXC 100 SCCM SiH4 New Spare $1,143.07 24-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF125C-205385 Mass Flow Controller MFC 6000 SCCM Ar New Spare $1,146.87 24-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF120X-100702 Mass Flow Controller MFC 200 SCCM 15H6/H2 New $1,148.77 24-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument 5850EM Mass Flow Controller MFC 5850E TMB Gas 200 SCCM $284.99 13-Dec-2024
Brooks 5964 Mass Flow Controller 5964C2MAPW5KA WF6 750 SCCM 01-0624R-088 $400.00 12-Dec-2024
BROOKS 5850TR 0-100 SCCM Gas HCI MASS FLOW CONTROLLER $49.00 9-Dec-2024
Brooks 5850 Series Flow Controller Model 5850D 0-300 SCCM Nitrogen $49.00 9-Dec-2024
Brooks Instruments 5860I Mass Flow Sensor 500 SCCM 5860IA13RB2EA Air $99.00 9-Dec-2024
Brooks Smart Mass Flow FS Flow Rate Model 5850S H2 500 SCCM $300.00 5-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF125C-102874 Mass Flow Controller MFC 3000 SCCM Ar Lot of 15 $1,811.24 5-Dec-2024
Brooks Instrument GF-125C Mass Flow Controller MFC 7200 SCCM N2 OEM Refurbished $1,011.24 5-Dec-2024
Brooks 251-1000 5835-B1G5E1 N2 1000 SCCM AIR Mass Flow Control Valve 1/16" FNPT $121.12 5-Dec-2024
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